Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Brand and Sales on Amazon

June 08, 2017

Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Brand and Sales on AmazonAt this point in time, numerous strategies have been presented regarding how to use Amazon for displaying and selling products in a global market. One issue that is currently lacking a playbook is how to protect your brand and profits once your product is listed on Amazon.

This is a problematic situation, because with every legitimate vendor on this market there is another person somewhere else on the globe trying to steal that product’s profit. There are 5 steps vendors can take to make sure they are able to both know and take action when their brand and sales are threatened.

  1. Monitor Your Product’s ASIN

Before a product is listed on Amazon, it is assigned a 10-digit Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN). Counterfeiters hijack this number so that when customers purchase your product, they are the ones who benefit from the sale.

Monitoring this ASIN is necessary to prevent theft, but it is also very time consuming. Amazon is open for business 24-hours a day. Therefore, it is also open for theft during those times as well. Only Brandlox, a software that monitors ASINs and alerts vendors of misuse, works specifically with Amazon to make sure your profits stay with you. Amazon currently does not offer this type of monitoring or security for products listed on its site.

  1. Receive the Right Alerts

Unfortunately, too many vendors are alerted to counterfeiting and profit theft the wrong way—after they’ve already suffered a tremendous loss. When dealing with those who will manipulate your product’s ASIN, especially when those individuals exist in areas of the globe where they can remain easily undetectable, it’s important to begin addressing the problem immediately. With Brandlox software, vendors receive instant alerts about unauthorized use of their brand.

  1. Take Action When Needed

Protecting your brand and sales requires much more than simple monitoring and alerts. When a product’s ASIN has been compromised, immediate action is required so that profit loss can be kept to a minimum. Legal action may become necessary and can factor in to the amount of financial loss.

Brandlox has the resources to both complete and generate a Cease and Desist Order to whomever is infringing upon your product’s profit. The software also allows vendors to purchase test their ASINs to guarantee that sales are being credited to the right party.

  1. Monitor Authorized Vendors

While monitoring your product’s ASIN for unauthorized use is important for brand protection, it is almost as equally as important to monitor authorized users. The Brandlox software allows vendors to monitor other authorized users for proper use of their products and brand names. This is the only way to receive a peace of mind that your product or brand is being displayed the way you want it to be presented.

  1. Cover A Big Area With Little Cost

Monitoring your product is a job that never ends, and it requires resources and action that can eat into your profit margin. Brandlox covers everything you need for monitoring and protection at a low cost, and it can monitor more than 2,000 ASINs.

Start using Brandlox today to immediately secure your brand.

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